The Blind Men and the Elephant is an ancient Hindu fable that illustrates the tendency for a person to think that he has grasped the whole of a situation when, in fact, only a part of it is understood. This will be shown to be the case with government ethics programs...

Welcome to the City Ethics website!

CITY ETHICS is a non-profit organization formed in 2000. Its purpose is to provide a centralized location for information and resources for all forms of local government ethics programs. City Ethics was started by attorney and former federal prosecutor Carla Miller...

Press: Jacksonville Times Union

Ethics office budget stirs city turmoil Confusion over an increase has raised eyebrows and questions. By DAVID HUNT, The Times-Union In Mayor John Peyton’s proposed budget, it looked like the city ethics office stood to receive a 70 percent boost. Photo: BRUCE...

Shorstein: lobbyist rules should be enforced

04/16/2008 by David Chapman Staff Writer From: http://www.jaxdailyrecord.com/showstory.php?Story_id=49846 As of Tuesday, discussions between the City Ethics Commission and Office of General Counsel were ongoing about how to handle the issue of 10 area lobbyists not in...